Friday, December 2, 2016




1. Waiting in Silence, waiting in hope. We are your people, we long for you, Lord. God ever with us, Emmanuel, Come, Lord Jesus, Maranatha!我們渴望你,主啊,神常與我們同在,以馬內利,來啊,主耶穌。

2. Waiting in Silence, waiting in hope. We are your people, we trust in your love. O Sun of Justice, true Prince of Peace, Come with your justice, Lord, Maranatha! 我們信靠你的慈愛,啊,公義的太陽,真正的和平王子,主啊,帶你的公義來。

3. Waiting in Silence, waiting in hope. We are your people, Lord, we seek your truth. Wisdom Incarnate, teach us your way; Show us the path of life, Maranatha! 主啊,我們尋求你的真理、道成肉身的智慧。教我們你的道路,給我們看生命之路。

4. Waiting in Silence, waiting in hope. We are your people, we long for new life. O Key of David, open our hearts. Give us new vision, Lord, Maranatha! 我們渴望新的生命,啊,大衛的鑰匙,開我們的心懷,主啊,給我們新的異像。

5. Waiting in Silence, waiting in hope. We are your people, our hearts thirst for you. Flower of Jesse, bloom in our midst. Make us your garden, Lord, Maranatha! 我們的心渴想你,耶西的花在我們當中盛開。主啊,讓我們成為你的花園。

1 comment:

  1. This corroborates the message I heard this morning at Grace Presbyterian about now is the time of active wanting and waiting of the birth of our Savior.
